Annotated Bibliography #2

Annotated Bibliography 

Rozan, Eric F., “47 students arrested for attempting to say overnight”, The Campus, Vol. CLXXIV, May 1,1995,  pg #1&5


On April 11 the NYPD arrested over 40 students who were protesting at the CCNY including non-strikers who supported them. This document shows a picture with them sitting on the floor with banners and signs and their arms linked together to give the readers more insight on what was taking place or how. As mentioned in the document “President Moses, accompanied by S.A.F.E and other officers” warned them beforehand that if they didn’t leave, they would be arrested. This arrest consisted of students from different colleges. The people were upset with President Moses actions because he ensured a safe strike but went against his word and had them arrested. Ali Perez was in support of his decision which she got bashed for and some even thought she was being anti-human for this. Parents along with their child/children went in support of the arrested students. 

Important Quotations: 

“Their resistance led to the arrest of strikers and non-strikers alike” 

“The CCSC who organized a hunger strike against the budget cuts to higher education claimed that all students on strike and those supporting them had a right to stay in the NAC after 11 p.m.” 

“The day after the arrest many people expressed their displeasure with President Moses” 


Reading this document and the discussion about it made it even easier to understand, the students got warning to leave and insisted to stay just to bring change to something thats still happening today, they probably feel powerful  because is a lot of them against a few but if I was in ali’s shoe I would probably have reacted the same . There’s many of ways this situation could’ve been handled especially by the students but I’d have to say I’m on Ali’s side in this document especially hearing her Pov.