Annotated Bibliography #3

Annotated Bibliography 

Ra’naa Alia, “The Five Demands”,CUNY Commons, February 1969


President Buell G. Gallagher threatened to resign if the proposition of budget cuts and the elimination of the SEEK program went through and over 10,000 students agreed as they were against the matter too. This caused months of chaos on the campus which led to the black and Puerto Rican students to come up with the five demands act, the five demands were set to bring change to segregation between the black and Puerto Ricans and other students which led to unfair treatment against them. President Gallagher tried his best to support it he even created opportunities where the students could join in and help but the black and Hispanic students were still not satisfied their actions led to students not being able to attend class which eventually resulted in the closing down of the school and the resignation of President G. Gallagher. 

Important Quotations: 

“Even though these negotiations were incomplete, some of the results of these demands were seen on the campus within the next two years” 

“Many of the students were not satisfied with the President’s responses. The following week there was some rioting on campus” 

“President Gallagher valiantly tried to negotiate these demands” 

I had mixed feelings about this document it started off mutual then it got upsetting because in the text it stated that he tried to negotiate meaning he was trying his best to help them as he was against the matter too but the students want more of what he already don’t have to give especially because they were aware that he was going to retire if the rules were passed. I feel as if they (the students) are too entitled and they think that people who are in a high position should abuse their power to make others happy not considering  what they might be going through.